On this page, you will find instructional videos to help you through each section of the Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids™ program.

In this tab you will find instructional videos to help you through the Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids™ Program. Here you will find:

A. Lead in Water Section Training for Child Care Facilities - Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids™

B. Lead In Water Section Training for Schools - Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids™

C. Lead-Based Paint Section Training for Child Care Facilities - Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids™

D. Lead-Based Paint Section Training for Schools - Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids™

E. Asbestos Section Training for Child Care Facilities - Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids™

F. Asbestos Section Training for Schools - Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids™

G. Supplemental Information for Child Care Facilities in Schools

H. Supplemental Lead in Water Section Training

I. How to Sample

J. Flush Instructions

K. Understanding Your First Draw Lead in Water Results

L. Understanding Your 2-Step Lead in Water Results

M. Follow-up Water Sampling Instructions

N. Mitigating Lead in Drinking and Cooking Water

O. Facility Data Mapper Tutorial for Local Health Departments

P. How to Ship Samples Back to the Lab

Q. Why is it Important to Test for Lead?

R. Lead and Galvanized Steel Service Line Training

S. Choosing the Right Water Filters for Taps & Drinking Fountains

T. Installing and Maintaining a Water Filter

U. Replacing a Faucet

A. Lead in Water Section Training for Child Care Facilities

This training video for child care facilities is the first step in the water section of the Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids program. It includes background on lead in water, an overview of the section requirements, participant training, how to complete the enrollment survey, sample collection, shipping samples, and understanding your results and recommended actions.

B. Lead In Water Section Training for Schools

This training video for schools is the first step in the water section of the Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids program. It includes background on lead in water, an overview of the section requirements, participant training, how to complete the enrollment survey, sample collection, shipping samples, and understanding your results and recommended actions.

C. Lead-Based Paint Section Training for Child Care Facilities

This training video for child care facilities is the first step in the lead-based paint section of the Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids program. It includes background on lead-based paint, an overview of the section requirements, how to complete the enrollment survey, RTI’s review of your enrollment survey, how to prepare for on-site visit, and understanding your results and recommended actions.

D. Lead-Based Paint Section Training for Schools

This training video for schools is the first step in the lead-based paint section of the Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids program. It includes background on lead-based paint, an overview of the section requirements, how to complete the enrollment survey, RTI’s review of your enrollment survey, how to prepare for on-site visit, and understanding your results and recommended actions.

E. Asbestos Section Training for Child Care Facilities

This training video is the first step in the asbestos section of the Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids program for child care facilities. It includes background on asbestos, an overview of the section requirements, how to complete the enrollment survey, RTI’s review of your enrollment survey, how to prepare for on-site visit, and understanding your results and recommended actions.

F. Asbestos Section Training for Schools

This training video is the first step in the asbestos section of the Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids program for schools. It includes background on asbestos, an overview of the section requirements, how to complete the enrollment survey, RTI’s review of your enrollment survey, how to prepare for on-site visit, and understanding your results and recommended actions.

G. Supplemental Information for Child Care Facilities in Schools

This video provides supplemental instructions for child care facilities in schools going through the Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids™ program.

H. Supplemental Lead in Water Section Training
This video overviews the history of lead and provides an in-depth guide of the Lead in Water section of the Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids™ program.

I. How to Sample

This video overviews how to collect and ship your water sample collection kit for the Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids™ program.

J. Flush Instructions
A tutorial on how flush taps to prepare your facility for water sampling when closed for longer than 3 days or before follow-up sampling.

K. Understanding Your First Draw Lead in Water Results

This video will walk you through understanding your first draw lead in water results.

L. Understanding Your 2-Step Lead in Water Results

This video will help you understand your 2-step test results to guide mitigation actions and further investigate the source of lead.

M. Follow-up Water Sampling Instructions
A tutorial on how to collect follow-up water samples for taps with prior lead results at or above 150 ppb.

N. Mitigating Lead in Drinking and Cooking Water

This video overviews the process of mitigating lead in drinking and cooking water through the Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids™ program.

O. Facility Data Mapper Tutorial for Local Health Departments

A quick tutorial overviewing the search page and lead in water results displayed on our Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids Facility Data Mapper.

P. How to ship samples back to the lab

In this video, Crystal will show you how to repack your sampling kit and send your sample back to the RTI lab for analysis. This video is for individuals, nonprofits, universities, utilities, schools, centers, or companies looking to purchase lead test kits.

Q. Why is it important to test for lead?

In this video, Jenny will talk about the hazards of lead, sources of lead, and how it can get into drinking water.

R. Lead and Galvanized Steel Service Line Training

In this video, AJ will walk you through checking for lead and galvanized steel services lines for your building.

S. Choosing the Right Water Filters for Taps & Drinking Fountains

In this video, Vikki will tell you about the different types of water filters that are available to remove lead.

T. Installing and Maintaining a Water Filter

In this video, Vikki will tell you about install and maintain water filters that can remove lead when used properly.

U. Replacing a Faucet

In this video, Vikki will tell you about how to replace an old faucet. Water faucets made before 2014 may contain some amount of lead.

In this tab you will find webinar videos for the Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids™ Program. Here you will find:

A. Pre-Enrollment Webinar

B. Informational Webinar for Schools

A. Pre-Enrollment Webinar

This informational webinar is the first step in facility participation in the Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids™ program. You'll need to sign up for and attend a live webinar to get your enrollment PIN, but you can use this video to review content from the live webinar or learn more about the program.

B. Informational Webinar for Schools

This informational webinar will cover an overview of the program, clarification of the three program sections (lead in water, lead-based paint, and asbestos), and the reimbursement process.

In this tab, you will find videos for our Lead-Based Paint and Asbestos Contractors. Here you will find:

A. Lead-Based Paint and Asbestos Vendors Q&A Session

B. Contractor Portal Registration

C. Initial Training Session for Contractors

D. Nonbinding Cost Estimates and Job Requests

E. Asbestos On-Site Visit Job Assignments

F. Uploading Credentials for Staff Members

G. Invoicing for Job Assignments

H. Grouped Cost Estimates for School District Jobs

A. Lead-Based Paint and Asbestos Vendors Q&A Session

This Q&A session covers an overview of the lead-based paint and asbestos vendors' role in the program.

B. Contractor Portal Registration

Lead-based paint and asbestos contractors will learn how to register, login, and complete verification surveys in our online contractor portal.

C. Initial Training Session for Contractors

This video is the recording of the initial training session for lead-based paint and asbestos vendors.

D. Nonbinding Cost Estimates and Job Requests
A tutorial for 3CK contractors on how to submit nonbinding cost estimates and accept or reject job requests.

E. Asbestos On-Site Visit Job Assignments
A tutorial for 3CK contractors that shows how to complete an asbestos on-site visit job in our online portal.

F. Uploading Credentials for Staff Members
A tutorial for 3CK contractors that shows company portal administrators how to upload credentials for other staff members at their company.

G. Invoicing for Job Assignments
A tutorial for 3CK contractors on how to submit invoices to our program using the online portal.

H. Grouped Cost Estimates for School District Jobs

A tutorial for 3CK contractors on how to submit a single cost estimate for a group of facilities within a school district, or submit a cost estimate for each individual facility job within that group.